Larry Page

Larry Page. As one of Google’s  founders, Larry Page currently has a net worth of  
70 billion US dollars. Currently 47-years old Page  has stepped down from his post as CEO of Alphabet,  
the parent company of Google, in December  2019 in order to focus on other ventures.
Larry Page’s philosophy is that if you are  rich, you should use your money reserves to make  
the world a better place. He doesn’t only talk  like this, but he also lives his life this way:  
Over the years, Page has invested in  a lot of interesting companies before  
they became famous. Most notably, he was  one of the first to invest into Tesla,  
he invested into the asteroid  mining company Planetary Resources  
and into the startup “Flying Car”, that  develops – you guessed it – flying cars.
If you are interested in these  kinds of futuristic technologies,  
feel free to check out our video on the top  10 most futuristic companies and technologies.  
You will see Elon Musk plenty of times in  that video with his different companies.
Number nine, Steve Ballmer. Ballmer  is Microsoft’s 30th employee and led  
the firm as CEO from 2000 until 2014. During this  time, he diversified Microsoft – interesting fact,  
Microsoft now makes roughly one third  of its revenue from cloud services used  
by companies! No wonder that Ballmer’s current  net worth is a whopping 71 billion US dollars.
Ballmer lives and breathes Microsoft. When one  of its previous vice presidents Lee Kai-Fu left  
for Google, Ballmer reportedly picked up a  chair and threw it across the room, shouting  
“I’m going to fucking kill Google”. Sounds like  a scene out of Wolf of Wall Street! Steve Ballmer  

is also the owner of the basketball team Los  Angeles Clippers and a generous philanthropist.  
He’s not the only Microsoft guy on this list,  you can probably guess who the other one is!
Number eight, Larry Ellison. At a current  net worth of 74 billion US dollars,  
Larry Ellison became rich and famous through  his role as one of the founders of Oracle.  
Ellison was the company’s CEO until  2014, when he quit for the calmer  
and more background role of chairman of  the board and chief technology advisor.
Ellison likes to live the typical billionaire  lifestyle. He was married and divorced four times,  
he owned the 12th largest yacht in  the world until 2012, he is a licensed  
pilot and owns several aircraft – out of which  two are military jets – and he owns dozens of  
multi-million dollar properties, out of which  the most impressive one is his 110 million  
dollar estate in Woodside, California, that  is styled after feudal Japanese architecture.
Number seven, Warren Buffett. After  consistently being in the top 3 for years,  
Warren Buffett has not profited from the Corona  crisis as much as the other billionaires on this  
list. The 89-years old is now at the seventh  spot with a net worth of 78 billion US dollars.
Buffett is widely seen as the most  successful investor of all times.  
The sole reason why he is “only” on the number 7 spot is that he has given away  
a total of 37 billion US dollars for charitable  causes during the last 20 years. If you were to  
adjust these donations for compounding interest,  Warren Buffet would probably be worth 50 billion  
US dollars more if he had not donated anything.  Respect for using his money to do a good thing!
Number six, Mukesh Ambani. The richest Indian  and number six on our list is Mukesh Ambani,  
the chairman of Reliance Industries,  
a company that his father founded. Ambani has  a current net worth of 79 billion US dollars.
The head company Reliance Industries features  a number of companies in different industries.  
Most notably, Reliance includes the biggest  oil and gas companies in India in addition  
to a very popular and influential telecom  network company. Oh, and Ambani is also  
known for living in the craziest house on the  planet – if you are interested in the topic,  
check out our video about the top 10  most expensive houses in the world!
Number five, Elon Musk. The legendary Elon  musk has finally reached the top five of  
the richest people with his current  net worth of 92 billion US dollars,  
though at the rate that Tesla is  currently growing, he could reach  
a top 3 spot within a week or so. Musk owns  roughly 21% of Tesla at 38.7 million shares,  
so a rise in stock price of 100 US dollars would  increase his net worth by almost 4 billion!
Aside from Tesla, Musk is also CEO and majority  owner of SpaceX, Neuralink and The Boring Company.  
The biggest ace up his sleeve is SpaceX:  Currently valued at 44 billion US dollars,  
Musk owns roughly 54% in the company. If SpaceX  continues to reach their goals at a steady pace,  
their valuation is going to go to the moon – pun  intended. Tesla and SpaceX’s recent success have  
opened the possibility for Elon Musk to become  the world’s first trillionaire – and this is  
after Elon and his two companies were on the  verge of bankruptcy in 2008. During that time  
Musk even sold his home and lived at a  friend’s place to keep the two companies alive.
Number four, Mark Zuckerberg. The CEO and chairman  of Facebook sits at a current net worth of 98  
billion US dollars, still owning a 15% stake  in the massive company that Facebook has become  
today. They have really gone a long way ever  since they went public in May 2012 – back then,  
who believed that Facebook would be the  fifth biggest company on the planet in 2020?
Today’s Facebook is not just Facebook, but  a social media empire. Did you know that it  
also owns Instagram and Whatsapp? Americans  probably don’t know this, but basically all  
Europeans use Whatsapp as their main means of  communication! Also, if you want to know more  
about Zuckerberg’s life, have a look at the  movie The Social Network. It’s pretty good!
Number three, Bernard Arnault. The rather unknown  Bernard Arnault is chairman and CEO of LVMH –  
which stands for Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy – and  is currently worth an impressive 112 billion US  
dollars, which also makes him the richest European  and the richest non-American on the planet.
Arnault has bought the majority of shares  in LVMH back in July 1988 – it has turned  
out to be a great investment! In total, LVMH  consists of more than 70 mostly luxury brands.  
Some of the most famous brands that are part  of LVMH are liquor brands Belvedere vodka,  
Dom Pérignon, Hennessy, Moet et Chandon,  watch and jewelry brands Bulgari, Hublot,  
TAG Heuer and Tiffany, clothes brands Dior,  Fendi, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs  
and more. If you like luxury clothes, you probably  owns something from at least one of these brands!
Number two, Bill Gates. At a current net worth  of 115 billion US dollars, Bill gates is pretty  
far off of the number 1 spot, even though he had  been the number 1 for years. You probably already  
knew it, but the main reason for Gates’s wealth  is that he was the main founder of Microsoft.
Today, Bill Gates only owns 1% in Microsoft.  He sold the majority of his shares to  
invest in stocks and other assets and – most  importantly – to pursue philanthropic causes.  
While being known as a cold-blooded  competitor that would never give an  
inch as CEO of Microsoft, he had donated a  total of 36 billion US dollars as of 2018  
and he and his wife have saved millions of lives  through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And finally, number one, Jeff Bezos. The richest  man on earth is currently at a net worth of 196  
billion US dollars, which is almost two times  as much as number two. And this is even though  
he gave a quarter of his Amazon stakes over to  his wife MacKenzie after divorcing her in 2019!
In addition to Amazon, Bezos was also one of the  first investors in Google in 1998. Furthermore,  
he invests into several healthcare companies  – an example of this is Unity Biotechnology,  
which aims to slow down or even stop the process  of aging. Bezos’s two most famous investments  
besides Amazon are the Washington Post and Blue  Origin. Blue Origin is Bezos’s answer to SpaceX,  
working to build reusable space  shuttles. However, as it seems,  
Blue Origin is currently years behind SpaceX.  At least in that aspect Elon beats his rival.
Thank you for watching our video! As promised,  
you can now see the chart that  compares the 10 richest people.
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