History of england

Now, as you can see, Edward was in control of a considerable amount ofmodern England, ruling over many of those who were previously divided.

Anglo-Saxons, and this is where we begin to see that the title of king of England is used with real precision Edwards son Appleton continues

The expansion of this kingdom and its neighbors do not like very much, in fact, the Scots and Irish

The kingdoms of the day care a little about this growing English problem

They temporarily join the Vikings and face FSN in the battle of Bruna Burr in

937 which the English won thus preventing progress from fracturing for the moment anyway in

978 the Vikings returned in the leadership of Harald Bluetooth

And the king of England, quickly known as an elf, who was no longer ready, was in no condition to fight to maintain England's existence.

He was forced to pay tribute to them for 20 years, which greatly crippled the English economy for the year.

1000 1 Fo red married the daughter of a Viking king, the King of Norway, but in 1000-foolishly he ordered the

Massacre of Nordic settlers on their territory who were more politically aligned with the nascent nation of Denmark than with the ambiguous term?

Norse which led to another 10 year conflict with the Danish Vikings Ethelred flood in Norway, where he subsequently he died?

1014 the same year that Spain fourth beard the King of .

Now the throne of England was in the air and Knut the son of Spain defeated Ethelred son

Edmond and claimed the throne for himself becoming king of England in 1016 Knut was not made there two years later

He claimed the son of Denmark and in 1028 the species of Norway as well.

Founding the North Sea Empire also known as the Anglo Scandinavian Empire

Though Knut

Later became the

Second and only other king in English history known as the great empire of his did not last his death in

1035, in fact, essentially ended with his last breath of his Knut sons

Succeeded him in England the line of him continued until 1042 when in English the confessor Saxon Edwards took the throne Edward ruled until

1066 where after he died without an heir, which was obviously going to cause some trouble to solve this Harold Godwinson.

The richest man in England with an English accent who was probably made the throne

It happened, in fact, it was hastily crowned on the day of Edward's funeral, regardless of

The kingdom of God Winston was doomed from the beginning and many people of the time believed


Especially how his comments had passed through England during this time, he was seen as an obvious

Omen that same year England was invaded by Harald Hardrada, the King of Norway who intended to restore the North Sea Empire?

Viking forces encountered the English Saxons at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, where they were

Brutally defeated in overheard Radha was killed by an arrow the better of the two

Heralds had earned their deaths and the failure of the Viking conquest marks the end of the Viking age the Vikings did not have a

Negligible impact on England although in fact his influence affected English history permanently.

Significantly for the English language, they established a series of settlements in the British Isles.

Including the city of Dublin, which would become the capital of Ireland, its culture and general presence gave Anglo-Saxon shape.

England the nation it would become and they even sowed the seeds for England's next invader, the Normans.

Not even a month after Harold Godwinson's victory over the Vikings, in 1066

William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy

Invaded England, in fact just three days later, part of the justification for this was that William actually had the right to

English throne was related to Harold's predecessor

Edward and William and indeed much of Europe believed that the throne should have been for him.

William was very confident in his ability to conquer England.

It was later told that his mother had dreamed of a large tree.

Extending over Normandy in England the night it was conceived now here is Normandy as part of France today

But it is important to remember

Normandy was culturally and linguistically very similar to France

But the Normans themselves, including William or in French, Guillaume, were descendants of Vikings who had carved that territory around

150 years before and they simply integrated themselves to the front of the society, in fact, the name Normandy is related to

Northland, that is, the Vikings, so William invades England with around 10,000 men and in a few weeks

He needs Harold Godwinson, who praised some 8,000 men at the Battle of Hastings.

Harold and William were extremely eager to meet, in fact reports say that William actually donned his armor

At first, backwards to rush to meet him, the battle lasted most of the Normans.

Outnumbered by having more archers and cavalry and probably outnumbered by the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-Saxons were defeated in this bell.

Godwinson was probably assassinated Towards the end and shortly after

Hope of victory was lost and the Normans William the Conqueror now ruled one of the most powerful and stable

Kingdoms in the Europe of the day

Hastings went on to be one of the most important battles in the history of England. Major changes called the never again spell with an Anglo-Saxon rule.

England, the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy, had been largely

Dispossessed and replaced by Norman

Aristocrats and well-Saxon English were now the language of the peasantry; the ruling elites spoke Norman French and would continue to do so for some years.

But Norman French and English would not remain separate, they would merge, in fact modern English has a greater influence from Norman French than


Anglo-Saxon Old English gives us a plethora of words

Many Anglo-Saxon nobles simply left a country and moved to scan the Navy or Scotland or Ireland, including some by Harold Godwinson.

Family that moved to Ireland, the Normans moved to capitulate to the Anglo-Saxons asserting their rule, they built churches and castles.

Including the Tower of London, they documented the entire country and revealed us great detail about the social structure of England a thousand years ago.

They gradually eliminated slavery in England, a time that reports that perhaps 10% of the population was formerly enslaved


But the rebellion was brewing in the north of William faced English sex and rebellion, which was assisted by the Danes who brutally suppressed.

The Normans would face other rebellions, as well as an invasion of France.

But his control over England would remain firm William died on September 9 of the year

1087 his

His successors, when they weren't busy trying to hold onto the ring, would continue to rule England and eventually move to Scotland and invade Wales.

In Ireland, William's successors were not as successful as he, although

Civil war broke out over successions and the monarchy would become considerably unstable after two invasions in Scotland.

England enters a period called anarchy in which King Henry, the first nephew

Stefan and his daughter fought to control the great throne because Henry, the first son, had sadly died unexpectedly

This 17-year period is remembered for its savage violence and bloodshed.

Henry's daughter divorced the Holy Roman Emperor and had married Geoffrey two accountants, which becomes a very important detail in

1033 has a son with the earl whom he named Henry Henry was destined to succeed his father

But like his mother

Matilda had high hopes that one day he would become King of England as well after a considerable amount of conflict with both sides.

Close to victory and nobility changing sides accordingly every time

The civil war finally ended in 1152 when Stephen became king, his rule was awkward as if that wasn't obvious.

After almost 20 years of civil war, but his succession was also unclear and, furthermore, his reign included England losing lands like Scottish and Welsh.

Invaders despite these troubles even reigned until

11:54 two years after anarchy officially ends right now Henry

Matilda's son was now the ruler of Anjou and much of western France and had married Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Unfortunately for Stephen, his son Eustace had died in early 1153 leaving him without a successor.

She made an agreement with Henry de Anjou

Henry will succeed him and there will be peace in England regarding the succession that Henry was crowned on October 25.

The second and founder of Plantagenet, a dynasty that would rule the islands of an empire

Spanning lands that stretched from the north of England to the Pyrenees, once again

England had more French speaking rulers than France, in fact Henry only spoke very poor English

French and Latin were all that the ruler of England at the time needed Henry. I was known for his great temperament

He was power hungry, ambitious, energetic and impulsive for his benefit.

He used his features to secure the power of the barons back to the monarchy and allowed him to expand his empire in Scotland, Wales.

Britain and Ireland, but for their degradation

It would turn much of his own family against him

He would have a series of shocking incidents, such as the death of Thomas Becket.

The Archbishop of Canterbury that door in the king had been fighting for years and after a transgression.

It is recorded that the King said in front of his men

Something similar to what the wretched drones and traitors have fed and brought to my house to let their lord be treated with


Such shameful contempt on the part of a lowborn clergyman.

Becket killed shortly after an event that would ruin Henry's image across Europe now obviously

Henry had no intention of killing the Archbishop of Canterbury.

But he couldn't control his anger and his his men confused him

1189 Henry will be succeeded by his third son

Richard the first is again said of Richard that he possessed a crew of deleon or the heart of a lion

Due to his great success in battle, especially during the third crusade, where he fought against Salahuddin the Sultan of Egypt in Syria.


But also of course in defending his father from rebellion in his youth and also in the battlefields of France defending his territories there